Pictures of the Week Gallery

If you would like to contribute a picture please send it to inserting some information on where and when it was taken and if you like feel free to add a little story to it.

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Week 53
She's got my legs...
NY resolution 2010!

Eventually I found the legs I want!
It was a bit like online shoping when I stumbled over the picture of
Christine Roth who surely won't be keen to sell hers, so I will have to work for it.
Those pictures are now hanging right behing my monitor...
No more excuses... it is possible!
by: Rika
Week 52
Decorated Icicle

The icicle grew over a period of several days from the roof of my conservatory and one morning the feather was stuck to it.
by: Rika
Week 51
Short Days

This is 3.30pm, on way way home with the kids from school.
by Jen
Week 50
The last of the Calendula

by Carine
Week 49
The real Teese

by Detlef
Dita von Teese at a book signing
27th November
Waterstone's Piccadilly
Week 48
The Winter Walk, Anglesey Abbey, Cambs

There will be a spring again!
By Jen

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Week 47

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Week 46
A cat with 'The Blues'

Since the person he owns got a blue light
poor Moritz has to suffer from her obsession to experiment!
A big price to pay for a warm home and the favourite food!
By Rika

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Week 45
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Week 44

If those won't kick off my extraordinary writing career
I don't know that will!
By Rika
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Week 43
Flower Clock in Geneva

Another one of Carine's beautiful pictures
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Week 42
Five minutes before the rain

By: Carine

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Week 41

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Week 40

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Week 39
This is one tough plant

This plant has been housing an ants nest for three years. It was in a pot in the conservatory and every spring the ants would move in. All summer soil was evenly distributed over the window sills, ... little did I know. Rarely watered to not annoy the ants it survived until the little critters moved out around August and then after a good watering even grew leaves. The plant now found a new home, I am keen to see what happens in spring.
by Rika

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Week 38
Playfull and seemingly cuddly

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Week 37

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Week 36
Fairy Land

Bad Nenndorf Traditonal Costume, Light and Gourmet Festival
Stelzen Tanztheater Leonard
(this is the German link, but the site has an 'English' button which is not linkable)
by: Rika
more to come soon!

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Week 35

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Week 34

By: Rika
No! I don't want to!

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Week 33

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Week 32
Feeling like a Diva

By: Detlef

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Week 31

By: Jen
On Sunday I cycled from London to Cambridge -- 60 miles. I'd done some training in Feb, but nothing much since then...
Read more!

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Week 30
Time Warp!

By: Rika
At Felixstowe Ferry
Didn't know that those still existed

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Week 29
Project: Rowing Marathon underway!

By: Rika
I had been pondering over a charity indoor rowing marathon for quite a while and on Friday 10th July I got an idea regarding how the whole thing could work out, so the decision was final.
On Saturday the 11th July I felt nervous.
On Sunday the 12th July, 8:15 AM, after a cup of cappuccino and no breakfast I decided to sit down on the rower and to find out where I was standing on the fitness front.
1 hour and 50 minutes later, calling rather shaky legs my own, I had finished a
half marathon.
Definitely fit enough to be prepared for a marathon in a years time!
And it will be in favour of

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Week 28
A picture that says more than 1000 words

posted via: Twitpic
Shortly after arriving [at Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Reintroduction Project in Central Kalimantan - Indonesian Borneo] - Pickle gets to know one of the foster mothers who will look after him for the next seven years of his life.
He actually should be with his mum right now, being taught how to become a big wild Orangutan. Thanks to the people of BOS and other Great Ape affiliates he and others like him have got a second chance in life! ... and thinking of it - so might we! In the light of global warming, rainforrests may be the one thing that can save out bums. BOS and all the others are phantastic conservationists campaigning for the preservation of rainforrests. What they are achieving for the Orangutans, they are achieving for every single one of us as well!

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Week 27
Since a week these two have some sort of a stand-off every night at around 10PM. They are like clockwork and fill the garden with huffing and puffing. The third one seems to be scared of them and rather attends to the leftovers of the bird food - which partly consist of dry cat food - adding weird crackling and sniffling noises. For about half an hour each night our garden is turning into some sort of jungle scene.

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By: Jen
At this level of activity weight seems to be the least of his problems.
This little chappy is in pretty good shape despite all the high cal food!

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Week 25

By: Detlef
sent per email from his trip to Braunschweig, Germany where he visited the roof of the Braunschweig Ducal Palace
A rare close up of the Quadriga on the roof of the re-built palace of the former Dukes. The original palace burnt down, the second one got heavily damaged during WW2 and then demolished. Parts of this front were saved and now re-built into a new shopping centre. This Quadriga is by far the biggest one of the four existing in Germany. It was created in 2005 after the model of the previous ones.

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Week 24
A bit of Sunshine

Tweeted by: Carine
in support to IL for Race for Life on a rainy day
A sunbathing blanket flower (Gaillardia) at sunrise

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Week 23
Where to draw the line?

Pictures by: Babul Bhatt
Model: Rika
Those are my muscles. I worked hard for them, and if I were to be judged I would loose the competition.
Those are my muscles, and if I were to be judged I would paint them darker and might win.
Painting the skin is common practice, painting the image is cheating.
These are the same muscles, where to draw the line?

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Week 22
Meet Travis
100 Possibilities Project

A straight Banana! Travis was so impressed!
By: Jen Hamilton-Emery
A truely Incredible Lady. Last year Jen was member of the IL Race for Life team. This year she has taken on an even bigger challenge for Cancer Research: Biking from Cambridge to London
Please find out more about Travis at Jen's Flickr page, and please support her in the 'One Book Campaign' so that she can buy more interesting fruit for Travis!

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Week 21
The place of miracles

This is a photograph of the church Velankanni . This place is known for its miracles . The Basilica is built in Gothic style of architecture.
By: Anoushka Bhatt
Please visit her Flickr Photostream.
She is a very talented young lady, living in Mumbai

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Week 20

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Week 19

kindly provided by Animal Talk - Fun with Furry Friends

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