I have it, hubby had it everybody else has it! And it’s a weird one. I call it the fatigue bug. Nobody wanted to really believe me that this kind of fatigue is a major symptom for a bug. Now I found a study from VanderbiltUniversity, 2000 confirming my hunch.
eMedicineHealth is having a big section oh how to treat that stuff, although it's a bit annoying that fatigue is not on their list of symptoms. Well, at least you know now!
The Tea House is providing one good remedy: Green Tea. However they have loads of other teas - some of them organic - as well. Quick service and Beibei approved!
Woodnickel is band of 2 guys - Carl and Alan - producing their own music - have a look and enjoy!
A little friend needs help
He is sitting on his little world in danger of being hit by a by something big. This is a quest game for softies!