Lowestoft - Air Festival
Oh what a surprise! I though it'll be nice, but it was brilliant!
Luckily Claire and family went there early, arriving already at 8:30 AM. This way they got a good place to park and could claim a nice bit of beach for themselves and their guests. They had windscreens, little tent and a cooker for teas and coffees and the best view on what was to happen.
We arrived late - of course - although we had calculated the time generously. It's just an hours drive from us and all went well. We got so lucky with the parking.
We got one of the last places at the ASDA which is really close to the beach.
ASDA in our back, beach in our front - ASDA it was... we had to go to the loo... and as this is a place where one can buy stuff as well, we got a bit of fresh fruit.
So when we came out it was bang noon and the show had started with the red arrows.

It is a sheer wonder that I'm still alive to tell you about it because I was walking towards the beach with my eyes in the sky. If it weren't for Detlef I would have been run over by a car or at least broke a leg from tripping over the kerbstone.
We arrived, donated our pound each and then were tightly packed between people. Later in the news we heard that there were more than 200.000 visiting.
How did human kind survive without the mobile phone? One hand the ice-box the other hand the phone we shoved our way to the spot where Claire and family were residing.
This beach is really nice. The sand is as good as anywhere else in the world, we had glorious sunshine with a soft breeze.
Someone, meant well with us and the organisers.


The show was so brilliant, just that our little camera couldn't really cope. Well, my wish list for Santa is already in the mail ...

There are ladies up on those planes doing some acrobatics!
We left a bit early because we wanted to avoid the traffic jam and we just had turned our back to the beach when an airplane came flying by with a roar: the Vulcan bomber one of the most magnificent and majestic airplanes I have ever seen.
Shame that such a beauty has been built for the purpose of causing damage. Unfortunately we didn't have the camera ready.
Another reason for coming back next year!
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