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Networking – A Serious GameAfter the first networking workshop I left with a feeling of confirmation… the feeling that the one thing I’m doing rather intuitively and in which I’m actually good at is something that is a valuable skill and should be exploited, and not just something that is to be taken for granted. So my confidence got a real boost. When I then went for it I hit the brick wall a few times, and the harder I tried the more scared and confused I got. Something was missing! When I entered this second workshop I felt less confident in being able to do good networking than before. So I was rather tense: had the visitors from work sitting upstairs hoping that my boss wouldn’t need me, hadn’t have time to prepare at all, my paperwork from the last workshop was at home and not in my bag, had even forgotten what I had written about the first one, and there was a rather big likelihood of not being able to remember a single name. Scatterbrain mode! Well, in the end of the day that that turned out to be a good thing as it reflected how I was feeling about the whole networking thing. And Heather tapped instantly into it, turning this odd feeling of lack of confidence and focus into something productive. Some catching up on previous outcomes On catching up on the outcome of the first workshop it turned out that we more or less came from two different types of make-up. The nerds! One group of highly skilled people who know about their skills, but were not sure how to bring them across to the right people to give their career a boost. However, it works: Two of them had braced themselves after the last workshop, have been talking to the right people and changed their careers to the better, and a lot of the others are on their way. Good for them! The scatter brains! The other group are more ‘jack of all trades’ kind of people, who are good in a lot of things, but just not good enough that they feel like showing off. Usually we don’t have a degree in what we are best at and feel confident doing the job as long as a real expert is not around. We are always hoping for others to tell us that we actually are having a high level of expertise already, we need the praise to believe in ourselves, and we are hoping that networking might find us such people and open doors to opportunities which are not too scary to go through. Well, that is at least the truth I had to face – however, I have a hunch that this is not too far from it for some of the others as well. After we had told our stories Heather tailored the workshop according to what was needed for us bunch of people. Working a room The first part was about 'working a room'. Basically: How to get into a group and how to break out of a group. According to Deborah Tannen in 'You just don’t understand', women mostly use language to bond, while men mostly use language to transport information. Which is one reason why guys are often more straight forward in saying what they want. This blunt (in female eyes) approach is not useful for bonding – for that you have to give a lot of reasons and stories around the information itself. These different styles in communication reflect in the body language and in group structures as well.
Branding and networking strategy So, the rest of the workshop was about branding ourselves and networking strategy (...read more). And again Heather nailed it! She delivered everything I needed in order to take the next steps. And it will be tough! It goes so much beyond networking. I will have to dig deep and do some soul searching. I have a vision, but I can’t see it as a real picture. It’s all on a: ‘Would be so nice’ – level. It needs to be shifted to a: ‘I will do that!’ – level. I will need to sit down and make one of my infamous lists to find out the action points. And then I will have to go out there and make it happen. Slightly in panic mode now! However, the alternative is to sit back, put the legs up, eat sweets and watch East Enders. There is no in-between. Just being nice and a good girl with a decent skill set won’t be enough. There will be no knight on a white horse coming and bringing me to the goal line. I will have to march there on my own feet every single step. And if I’m lucky I find a few good companions who will walk with me and flatten the ground once in a while or pick me up when I’m down.
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