
Accessories and More

At La Ola one will not just find belts, purses and jewellery, but ornaments, soaps and whatever else is produced in the area at a particular time. La Ola is a treasure trove over and over again.

Get surprised!


Colourful things for a small budget

Lava Jewellery

On close up one can clearly see that this is made from lava.

The deep black shine is the perfect background for other colours!


Astrology Jewellery

Necklaces and bracelets depicting the stars as they were at the moment and place of you birth. Specially ordered and crafted by a local artist. Please allow a couple of days between order and pick-up.

You may either see the astrological aspect and refer to the elaborate star sign material that is provided along with your jewellery...

...or you may want to just consider the astrological representation of the stars which makes the jewellery unique to you.

Christine's own.

Courtesy to customer.

The Shop




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Copyright 2007
Author: Rika