your comments

Monthly Afternoon Tea

My dear Ladies,

unfortunately I will have to suspend the regular afternoon teas.

The Friday afternoons don't work for most of the ladies and this is the only day I can do on a regular basis.

So let's just get in touch if we feel like a chat and I will call round and see if somebody else would want to join in.

See you soon,


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24th April 2009 - Something new

Although we had our Afternoon Teas regularly with nice chats and all, nothing really exciting happened apart from the excuse of being able to have biscuits without regret - or at least we could blame each other.

This time however was a bit different.

We had two special guests. One was little baby Mei who now is our youngest lady, and the other was Du the honorary IL. Well he is the dad and gave Motoko a lift.

And since he is a nice chap and we are not feminist he was allowed to stay.

He will have to pay back the favour soon with baby sitting, since Motoko promised to become one of the IL Race for Life team and we will be going to do some power walking as preparation for the big day.

Only two month and such a hairdo,
that just cries for a close-up

Hoping to see you next Month, 29th May. Drop me a line on and I will let you know the address.

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29th August 2008 - Back on track

Although I haven't updated you on the Afternoon Teas regularly they have been taking place throughout the year. However, rather often sometimes only a single lady came to visit and we have been sinking into a chat completely forgetting to take pictures, or the chats have been rather private.

So I got to know some of your rather well in the meantime and the reason why we have an update today is that this one was a bit unusual.

Sonal, the lovely Indian lady in the green dress on the photo of the founding members had been leaving us some time back in winter and now was back to Ipswich for two weeks. Unfortunately she couldn't make it to the tea party, so I met her over a cuppa in our work canteen.

She is sending you her warmest regards and is looking forward to meeting you the next time round, as she is hoping to be able to get the one or the other two weeks appointment here in the future.

Then Larisa came a bit earlier and we had a lovely girly chat - as we usually do, and when she had to leave Nicole and later Iwona trickled in. We did a bit of mischief planning, and then eventually we remembered to take a photo.

It was their first tea party and it was lovely to have the two over, but the happiest person of all was my dear cat Moritz. For some reason he loves ladies, always has, and he was utterly thrilled to see Larisa. He adores her since they first met and when she is around I'm nothing but thin air for him.

Well and then he had the full attention of the other two. He even allowed them to decorate him with strawberry greens. If I should ever try that he would be very cross.

Now that the summer break is over we both are looking forward to meeting loads of ladies!

So don't forget: The next one is on 26th September!

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28th September 2007 - First meeting: Let's get started!

It was so lovely to have the ladies visiting. At the end it were five of us and it turned out to be a little farewell party for Beibei. She is going to stay in London for another two weeks and then she will go back to Shanghai.

Little Peter, who has a bit of a crush on Beibei was over the moon to see her and so we were really happy bunnies!

We almost forgot to shoot a picture of the founding members of the Ipswich Ladies Afternoon Tea Party. So luckily Detlef came home - of course we didn't finish at 6 - to take the picture.

And then kudos to my husband!

He suggested we should extend the afternoon by an hour so that more of you ladies might be able to join in. Isn't he a sweetheart?!

Now to the mischief planning: Beibei recommended a Chinese restaurant and we decided to try it out. So you will receive an email soon, asking you to join in. We were thinking about making it a Halloween-ish Ladies Dinner, thus some time end October.

I'm looking very much forward to seeing you the next time:

26th October, 3 - 7 PM

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Ipswich Ladies

What's Up

Afternoon Tea
Mischief in Planning
Mischief achieved 2008
Training Club
TC - News/Diary
Colours of IL
RfL 2008: Picnic

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Copyright 2007
Author: Rika