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Race for Life 2008 Picnic

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We claimed a tree!

It all turned out to be such a wonderful day. The day before it was gushing down, I didn't have a clue where to lead the team and the guests to gather as I completely had forgotten how things were last year, and we had a lot of stuff to carry.

And there it was: The lovely stem of and old tree. With a flowering elder bush on one side and a rosehip on the other it was the loveliest place.

Well, and it was the only option to keep the banner upright. We definitely need a better fixing next year. However, the tree we will claim again.

While we girls were digging our way through the muddy race, the others dressed up the banner and arranged the picnic place.

All of a sudden a little conspiracy was going on. I was sent away from the picnic place and I had eyes glued to me...

Yay! A cake!

And then the kids were playing,

the old ones got a bit silly ...

... and after the Bobby Moore run it was all over already.

Looking very much forward to seeing you next year!

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Author: Rika