Wicked Chicken Bun

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I invented this recipe because I needed something to go nicely on sandwiches. At that time we had a lot of ham which firstly contains a lot of salt, secondly is rather expensive and thirdly is red meat. Looking for alternatives I was reading through the package labels of sliced chicken breast and noticed that they are either made of processed pressed meat or are pepped up with water and a lot of salt. So I was looking for something that could be sliced, was made of chicken and of which I knew exactly what was in there. |
From Germany I knew a recipe which translates into 'Blind Rabbit' (don't ask why that name, I have no idea). It is a loaf of minced pork with spices, egg and bread crumbs, sometimes filled with cheese or a boiled egg. So I came up with my version of a minced chicken, spices, egg and oats bun.
If I'm in a rush I get good chicken breast from the butcher. But when I have time I take whole chicken, take off the meat and cook some stock from the carcase. The legs have so much more flavour than the breasts, so the buns don't need as much spices. And it's a thrifty approach. Talking of thrifty: The recipe below is for 2 loafs. I usually double it up, and then freeze 3 loafs. My oven can just take 4 of them. That saves a bit of energy and it saves a lot of time which you can use for something else.
To mince the meat I have an old manual mincer from hubby's grandma, but your butcher might even do the mincing for you.
With the spices you can easily go your own ways. It's what I like, but if you don't have the one or the other, try something else. Only the sweet red pepper powder, salt and black pepper give a good baseline, the rest is at you own discretion.
You need:
Pre-heated oven 200 Celsius/400 Fahrenheit
2 oven forms 750 ml
Butter to grease
1 standard coffee cup
1 big Bowl
Mincer and plate / butcher
Cooling rack
1500 g minced chicken
2 cups medium oats
2 cups of water
2 eggs
2-3 cloves of garlic
2-3 TSP red sweet pepper powder (Hungarian)
1 1/2 TSP dried Basil
1 TSP black pepper
1 TSP salt
1 TSP coriander powder
1 TSP Cajun spice
1/2 TSP Turmeric
1/4 - 1/2 TSP Chilli powder
1/4 TSP ground nutmeg
protein bomb
low fat
Duration:1:45 - 2 hours
Switch on the oven to pre-heat.
Butter your forms. I'm using Pyrex ceramic ones, but glass or anything that can stand the oven heat will do.
Measure the medium oats into the big bowl, add the spices and mix them in.
Add the water and the eggs and mix again.
Peel the garlic, remove green middle bits and make mouse from it.
If you have such a squishy-thingy use that one, otherwise hold the garlic down on a chopping board with one hand and with the other rasp little bits off it with the back of the peeling knife.
Add to the oat/spice/egg mix and mingle it in.

Mince your chicken or take the already minced one and mix with the contents of the bowl.
Fill the forms, you can layer some Cheddar or other hard cheese in the middle, but seal well. It tends to run and stick when it melts. To save a few calories and some salt I left the cheese and now I prefer it without. But it's nice to have a variation of the recipe.
Smooth the surface and put into the oven. From opening the door and putting something cold in the temperature will drop. Wait until it is heated back to the 200 Celsius / 400 Fahrenheit and then switch to a lower temperature of 180 Celsius / 350 Fahrenheit for an hour.
If you double up the recipe it will need a bit more time to reach the temperature again but give it the hour on 180/350 anyway. Rather have it a bit longer and nicely crisp than not long enough. Thanks to the oats and the water it won't get dry.
When done either have it warm, or remove it from the form and let it cool on a cooling rack.
Keeps in the fridge for several days and is very suitable for freezing.
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