And a Very Merry Christmas to All

On our main charity website I have been elaborating the matter of which charity to support and why. So far I have not heard any objections to a change, and I am pretty sure that some of our Ipswich ladies will do their bit for Cancer Research in 2010 again.
I however am rather determined to put my efforts into Orangutan Land Trust and Borneo Orangutan Survival-BOS. In posting the link of an article in the Washington Post which was sent to me by Michelle Desilets the founder of above mentioned charity and close associate and friend to Lone Droscher-Nielsen, I am hoping for your support.
As we are approaching Christmas we all are thinking about what gifts to get for whom. And there are our loved ones having the same thoughts about us. However, we live in a world where we have almost everything we are wishing for. So why not putting an item on our wish list that reads: 'Please support my favourite Charity!' Well, that surely takes the pressure out of the gift finding for the spouse...
I am determined to spread the word in this respect. For me it is the Orangutans, and I will do a bit of sponsoring on behalf of the one or the other person in my family of whom I know will appreciate it.
If however the Orangutans are not for you - well, it might be for something else, there are so many charities out there which deserve our help, you might even pick one from the list on IL.
I think this is a wonderful way of getting back the 'Spirit of Christmas'! Let the kids have their toys, but as for us adults ... we should know better between ourselves, and at the same time we give an example to the kids. It only needs a few people to get the ball rolling, wrap the receipt around a jar of home made jam or a cake and just have a great party - saves the environment from all the wrapping paper as well .
So if you would like to do your bit for the Orangutans and the rainforest, why not point people to the 'Adopt an Orangutan' , the 'Virtual Gifts' or the 'Donate any amount' pages.
I am wishing you a great and stress free run up to Christmas!
Always yours,
PS: Please have a look at the beautiful Orangutan photo gallery

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When I wanted to do the adoption I all of a sudden wasn't sure if this really is a one off payment, additionaly the page didn't have a secure lock and the related terms and conditions page was empty. I now checked with Grainne McEntee and she confirmed the following in an email from 29th November 2009:
Hello Rika.
The payment is one-off. BOS does not retain the credit card details of its donors. Direct Debits are a different system setup directly between our bank and yours.
page_id 57 is completely secured by an SSL certificate. If you scroll to the bottom of the page an hover your mouse over the right hand corner of the form, it will pop up.
I do not know why the refund and cancellation policy page is empty. Something may have been overwritten when the website was updated.
These policies have been submitted and approved by paypal and when the donation is made an email receipt is received by the donor with the following content:
BOS Refund & Cancellation Policy
Refund and Return Policy:
The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation UK operates a refund/return policy. If by chance you should donate in error, please inform us at enquiry@savetheorangutan.co.uk within fourteen days so that a refund can be made.
Cancellation Policy:
If you subscribe to BOS on a regular giving basis, you can cancel your subscription at any time. We may contact you again to determine if your circumstances have changed.
Privacy Policy:
BOS UK will not hold the financial details of their donors, subscribers or adoptive parents. Once a donation has been made these details are shredded/destroyed.
Delivery Policy:
Any goods or services ordered from BOS UK, we will endeavour to dispatch to our supporters within 10 working days. If you are not happy that your needs have been met please email us or contact us on the details below and we will issue a refund. In order to keep costs to a minimum, where possible, we will liaise with you via email. As a charity and as a means of keeping our overheads to a minimum, we will dispatch all goods to within the UK via second class post unless stipulated otherwise. Overseas mail will be sent via airmail (unless stipulated otherwise.)
I will get our webhosts to reinstall this information on Monday. Many thanks for bringing to our attention Rika.
Take care and do contact with anything further.
If you want to be entirely sure, then please use the fancy splash site and click on adoption there. Then the entry form comes up in a separate window.
Meeting Rajang&Tiga
How to Charity?!
Environmental Charities
Adopt an Orang 4 X-mas
Incredible Stories -Michelle
Raw Wildlife Encounters

BOS-Borneo Orangutan Survival

OLT - Orangutan Land Trust

Leap Spiral

related links:
Environmental Overview
Blog on Palm Oil issues
Controversial palm oil plan ...
Great Ape Debate, Apr 09
The Palm Oil Pronlem
Willie Smits on Rainforest
Jane Goodall:Living Together...
Raw Wildlife Encouters

The Healthy Ones
Bupa great North run '09

Race for Life 2009
RfL Diary & more
Incredible Ladies Team
Race for Life 2008
First Impressions
RfL Picnic
RfL Diary
Incredible Ladies Team
BT Today Article
Race for Life 2007

Other Intersting Ones
Mongol Rally
A friend's ride in 2008
